Marry a foreigner or Brazil - country genetic experiment Blog Internet club Want to get Married

Scary thought - in Rio about such settlements

Sign up for free mini-course Yulia Sedlovoi by which married more than twenty women daily: before you travel to Brazil I was sure that Niagara falls is the largest in the worldIt turned out that in the world there are many as more high and wide and beautiful waterfalls. For example, the Iguazu falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina, which is twenty meters taller and two times wider than its North American counterpart, namely the Cortical on the mountain in Rio, a gigantic statue of Christ the Savior (Moscow) - one of the modern"Wonders of the world". Jesus embraced the over Rio, protecting the city and its inhabitants from all adversity. Mount Sugarloaf is the business card of Rio, the famous crystal top, height almost meters, located at the entrance to the Guanabara Bay.

From the observation platform of the mountain with the most amazing views of the city, Bay, mountains, Islands in the ocean, Niteroi bridge and the statue of Christ.

Despite the unearthly natural beauty, Rio de Janeiro- fifth of the population (that is, nearly million people) lives in favelas (shanty towns). Favelas differ from legal housing not so much apparently (though outwardly, of course, too - they are often made from scrap materials), but in fact - their residents do not pay taxes to the government and do not pay utility bills. These people live by the principle:"we do not owe anything to the state, and we do state is not necessary". First, by law, built the house can not be demolished, even if it is built in a national Park. Therefore, illegal housing built even right next to -star hotel or near a nice beach in Brazil is not demolished.

The government does not know how to solve this problem

Secondly, if one place proves more than forty families, in order to avoid unsanitary conditions, the state holds them electricity, water and other utilities. Third, the mother receives thirty dollars per month for each child that regularly goes to school (so the government regulates the level of education). Despite the fact that tourists are afraid of robberies are committed by inhabitants of the favelas, according to the guide, the criminals do only residents. However, recently the police found the favelas, which receives the drugs from Colombia, and distributes them to other favelas In the Rio profitable to sell drugs, as tourists they are well versed.

Not long ago, the state tried to stir up criminal gangs in the favelas and resettle their residents in low-cost housing, but they rented out the apartment and returned to his"free"house.

If in Ecuador, about eighteen tribes, each tribe has their own clothing, their language, and between the prohibited mixed marriages, while in Brazil there is racism at all.

Brazil - country genetic experiment.

Here live the Creoles, mestizos, mulattoes, and there are even more types of mixing. Often the family is born white-skinned black child, as the great-grandmother or great-great-grandfather was black. If you watched Brazilian soap Opera"the Slave Isaura", in this series the emotions of people transferred to brand truthfully, and life situations too. The guide told us a story about how local residents beat on the beach the actor who played in this series colonizer Leontii, because he didn't want to marry Izaura. While the actors at the time in real life time was married. Brazilian men - a sentimental, slightly naïve people cry when meeting each other, and never hide the tears. Brazilian men love white girls with light eyes. Women's ideal of beauty is that small Breasts and big Brazilian ass.

Seeing a beautiful girl, they showered her with compliments.

They are faithful husbands and great fathers. Men get married in conscious age - about forty years. Girls marry after thirty-five years. Brazil - the largest Catholic country in the world, and all weddings here are accompanied by the wedding. Marriage in this country is very strong, few divorces, abandoned children, no. In Brazil abortion is banned, and if the girl gets pregnant, the man marries her for sure. It is believed that Brazilian men the best fathers in the world. The highest paying profession in Brazil (wages), the military, doctors and lawyers. The Brazilians did not fight with anyone, so to be a military safe and prestigious. But with the military if something happens, his salary until the end of his life to pay his wife or daughter. The girls here I have had the great fortune to marry a military man. Men in Brazil live an average of years. The elderly are not disabled, many even at the age of continue to create. Here the age of sixty-five years is the age of creative growth. Climbing up to the statue of Christ, I realized how much I miss his turbulent journalistic activities. And I came up with the idea from time to time to take video interviews of famous men about how and where they prefer to meet, like a beloved woman can inspire a man to great achievements, and how to build a harmonious relationship in the family.

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